South Africa Investment Panorama - Commissioned Research

South Africa Investment Panorama - Commissioned research

Peregrine’s strategic partnership with Insight Discovery allows us to commission relevant internal and external research projects on behalf of our clients.

This research can be based on a wide range of issues, including those in the asset management, hedge fund, and financial services sectors. It can then be used to support our clients’ objectives, or a specific fund strategy. We can then formulate a media strategy to promote the results of this research project and generate subsequent publicity.


Due to the success of our Middle East Investment Panorama in 2015, we launched our inaugural research project in South Africa, for which our founding partner was Investec.

Owing to all the regulatory changes in South Africa, we wanted to know what independent financial advisers (IFAs) thought of commission disclosure (RDR) and gain a better understanding about what IFAs wanted from the asset management companies, platform operators and other financial services companies.

Key Activities

We interviewed over 300 advisers, mainly via an online questionnaire, and this was in partnership with Moonstone Information Refinery in South Africa.


Besides the report and interactive dashboard, we secured plenty of media coverage in both the local and international press, including FTfm.

The report was highly innovative, and we believe that it’s the first syndicated research report ever conducted amongst IFAs in South Africa.